If you arrived here via NPT's homepage today, you've already seen the site's ‘new look'.
Granted, I didn't change the design very much, but the ArticleLive back-end is absolutely b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! Now I won't have to revise and upload 100's of HTML pages every time I make a change to the basic template – yee-ha!
When I told Anik Singal that I was going to a new CMS, he mentioned that he really liked the original NPT layout because it was ‘so easy to find what you're looking for'. Well, finding the information you want should now be even easier with well-defined categories, featured articles with links to related articles and reviews.
The only downside to changing over to ArticleLive was that I made it a D-I-Y project. Duh.
Ergo, not all of my 100's of articles are in the database yet, and there may be linking problems from within some of the older articles (if you find an error, please be kind and let me know), but the essential articles are all there and I'll go through them with a fine-tooth comb to make sure they're up-to-date and linked to the most helpful resources.
So, words to the wise. Get a great CMS when when you start your site (not 5 years into it) and avoid a HUGE mountain of work later.
Anyway, now that I've scaled that mountain, it's time for some R&R in the Rockies. Yee-HAAAAAA!