I know how frustrating it is when you've logged onto your server using WS-FTP and can't for the life of you find your .htaccess file.
You KNOW it's there.
You've seen it from your cPanel interface.
But because using FTP for transfers is easier, you want to be able to see it there too.
Well, your file might be hidden because dot (.) files are system files which are normally hidden to protect them from being viewed by nepharious types… or newbie webmasters that muck and make a mess of them.
That's not you, so I'll tell you how to make your .htaccess file visible using WS-FTP.
1. Open WS_FTP
2. Click Connect
3. Select the site you wish to modify and right-click on the site name
4. Click Properties
5. Select the Startup tab
6. Enter -a in the Remote File Mask box
7. Click OK to confirm the changes
Now all of your hidden files, including .htaccess will be visible when you connect to the site.