It has always been my hope that my affiliate marketing students will take what they learn from me and eventually grow their online businesses to include selling their own products.
- First, you learn to sell other peoples' products,
- then you learn to sell your own, and finally;
- the BIG bonus — you get other people to sell YOUR products. 🙂
One of the best places to start selling real products online is through Amazon – something I've been doing for years with my Super Affiliate Handbook. My other book is marketed on Amazon through its publisher McGraw-Hill. Both products contribute nicely to my income.
Actually, I've been rather slack in not producing the Kindle version yet… but I'm sure that would be another nice income supplement. 🙂
And remember, Amazon isn't just about books – they market everything, almost everywhere.
Did you know that of Amazon's $60 Billion in annual revenue 41% of that (over $25 Billion each year) is produced by entrepreneurs selling products within Amazon's web site?
Perhaps, best of all for my affiliate marketing students, is that those who are ineligible to join the Amazon affiliate program are more than welcome to become Amazon entrepreneurs.
Two guys who are doing very well as Amazon entrepreneurs are Matt Clark & Jason Katzenback — who earn over $100,000 profit each and every month by selling real products on Amazon.
A few days ago they released a video in which they discuss the opportunity, show how they are doing on Amazon and just how scalable the business is. You can watch the video here. (There is no opt-in email required, however you do have to submit your address if you want to take advantage of their PDF offer – which I suggest you do).
Their 2nd video answers the most-asked question about selling real products online… “What the heck will I sell?”.
They show you how to find golden opportunities on Amazon, what people are looking to buy with little competition, as well as how to find and deal with suppliers. They also manage to prove that the process is easier than you probably think it is.
I highly recommend that you watch both videos.
You'll learn about the marketing model as well as mistakes to be avoided and building your own brand.
Yes, this is a pre-promo for their upcoming course, The Amazing Selling Machine (yet another name that makes me gag a little). But if selling real products appeals to you, this might be the right course at the right time… it WAS endorsed by one of my original online business mentors, John Reese.
John liked the original version of this Amazon selling course so much that he lent his extraordinary skills to Matt and Jason to help with development and production of the product.
And to me… that's a HUGE endorsement.
So, check out the video and their main page and let me know what you think.
Comments, questions or suggestions? Please leave a comment below!