In a comment on the Pepperjam Network Review: Real Change or Just Hype? post, J. Anthony asked the following question about PepperjamAds:
…does this [PepperjamAds] conflict with Google Adsense? Before I add these to my sites, I want to make sure it doesn’t get me kicked out of adsense…
I understand your concern, J., especially if you are already making good coin with Google Adsense. To answer your question, here are the guidelines for Competitive Ads and Services taken directly from the Google Adsense Policy page.
In order to prevent user confusion, we do not permit Google ads or search boxes to be published on websites that also contain other ads or services formatted to use the same layout and colors as the Google ads or search boxes on that site. Although you may sell ads directly on your site, it is your responsibility to ensure these ads cannot be confused with Google ads.
Here is an example of a pepperjamAds block:
Just so my readers won't mistake these for Google Adsense ads, I've changed the color of the Heading to a dark red.
Too, as you can see, the default Pepperjamads layout is distinguished by a thick, solid black line at the bottom and clearly marked with the word Pepperjam in the lower right hand corner. I'd recommend that you leave that as the default, unless you want to choose another color that makes it look entirely unlike your Google Adsense display.
I see that you are typically running 2 instances of Adsense on your pages (including the homepage… ugh!). What I suggest you might try – if you decide to try the Pepperjam widget – is to replace one of those instances with relevant Pepperjam merchants embedded in your PepperjamAds display and monitor the revenue from both closely.
Hope that helps!