It seems like only a few short months ago that I posted my work and play resolutions for 2006, and now the year is almost over! Now is the time to start planning for next year.
Bu not so fast… It's hard to know where you're going, if you don't know where you've been! Relection is just as critical to your success as planning.
So, what did you do?
Did you…
- Did you build a new website or start a blog? Did you learn a little HTML or a lot?
- Did you outsource that script installation that plagued you for months? Were you able to reduce dependency on your webmaster?
- Did you start a newsletter? How many visitors subscribed to your list?
- How many articles did you write? Did you place them in directories? If so, how much traffic did you get by result?
- Did you open one or more PPC accounts? How many campaigns did you create and how many words did you add to those campaigns?
- Did you join just a few or a whole bunch of affiliate programs? How many did you promote successfully? Which were the most fruitful?
- How much time did you spend working on your affiliate business? Was it too much, too little or just right?
- Lastly, did you have fun? If not, why not?
Answering those questions will put you in a much better position to plan for your success in 2007.
So what DID you do?
Crow about your successes, lament your foibles and share your plans with the NPT crowd by posting your Comments below.
Sharing will inspire others and bring clarity to your plans for the year ahead.