Did you know that you can get ten times more reach out of your articles simply by turning them into different formats? Here's how…
Turn your articles into podcasts.
With services like Feed2Podcast, you can translate your existing RSS feed into podcasts, which can then be submitted to podcast directories like iTunes. Other websites that offer this service include Odiogo.com, Feed2podcast.com, Talkr.com, and ReadSpeaker.com.
Turn your articles into exe (executable) files.
By turning your article into an exe file, it is now considered software, which allows you to submit it to hundreds of software directories. You can turn your articles into EXE files using some free software called WebSiteZip Packer. This software will allow you to turn an HTML page into a solid executable file (.exe) with an integrated HTML browser. This alone can bring you hundreds of extra visitors and subscribers. You can also use this technique to build your subscriber list quickly by requiring people to register before they are able to read your ebook.
Convert each of your articles into a PowerPoint presentation and post it at Slideshare.net.
Slideshare has a Page Rank of 7 and an Alexa ranking of below 2,000. This site gets a lot of traffic and it has a lot of ranking power. If you want people to click through to your site from your presentation, be sure to include a link to your site at the beginning and end of your PowerPoint. Plus, make sure each link is underlined in blue to increase click-through rate. As always, the key here is to provide value. Simply take a few key points from your article and turn them into Powerpoint slides with text and pictures. Quick Tip: If you want to get even more traffic from Slideshare, write a 2-part article. You would post the first part of your article as a Powerpoint presentation at Slideshare. Then at the end, you would link to Part 2.
Turn your article into a video.
This simple strategy can get you lots of exposure from sites like YouTube, Google Video, and MetaCafe. In fact, you can even use your Powerpoint slide from Slideshare and simply add audio to your presentation. Then load it up to the top video-sharing sites. I would also recommend that you place the actual text of the article in the description of the video. This will help you to rank for your desired keyword phrases in Google. Please don't take this technique for granted. It might seem fairly simple, but it's extremely powerful.
I'm going to show you how to use the power of RSS to stretch your content and exposure. You're going to be creating a number of customized RSS feeds and submitting them to the top RSS feed directories. This will bring you extra visitors, plus lots of link love. Now, if your article is not on a site that provides an RSS feed, you can use a service called Dapper. Dapper can create a feed from any website. To get started, post your article to Squidoo, Google Knol, HubPages, Blogger.com, WordPress.com, Vox.com, Tumblr, Weebly, Terapad, WetPaint, PbWiki, Wikispaces, and WikiDot. Those are just a few of the main ones. Once you've submitted your content to these sites, grab the RSS feed and submit it to all the different RSS directories. If a site doesn't automatically create an RSS feed for you, then use Dapper to have one created.
Turn your article into a PDF.
You can post PDF versions of your articles to Scribd, eSnips, DocStoc, Calameo, Issuu, Yudu, FreeIQ, and ButterflyReports.com for increased exposure.
Turn your articles into a widget.
A widget is a mini Internet application that can be easily placed into web pages, Facebook profiles, Myspace pages, start pages, and more. But don't worry if you don't know how to program. You can instantly turn your blog into a widget at WidgetBox.com. You can then promote your widgets at the following sites…
- Google Widget Directory
- Yahoo Widgets
- Friendster Widget Directory
- WidgetBox
- SpringWidgets
- Widget Gallery
- Snipperoo Widget Directory
- RateitAll Widgets
- Netvibes Widget Diretory
- Widgepedia
- Xanga Widget Directory
You can also use WidgetBox to then turn your widget into a Facebook application with App Accelerator. With the use of Dapper and WidgetBox, you can basically turn any web page into a Facebook application. Facebook applications have the potential to send thousands of visitors to your site per day.
It's just a matter of being creative and taking action. So, start turning your article into multiple formats and multiply your exposure. For step-by-step videos on how you can get front page rankings within 24 hours, go to http://www.buzzblogger.com/traffic
Do you post your articles on article directories?
Save time. Use Article Announcer to blast your articles to all the right and relevant article directories. The package consists of 4 Audio CDs a transcript of the CDs, the Article Announcer software, a user guide and video tutorial.