I wouldn't have known that there were broken scroll links on my Affiliate Blogger PRO site, if not for an email with the subject line “I KEEP PRESSING THE SIGN-UP BUTTON! ARE others having this problem?!”.
Sure enough, when I tested the scroll links on the homepage, none of them were working – which doesn't bode well, especially folks can't get to your purchase links fast enough. 🙂
Scroll links, or in-page anchor links, are those links that take you elsewhere on the page you're on, and the homepage on that site is rife with them, as I'm using the Altitude Pro Theme by StudioPress.
Anyway, it took me the better part of the evening to fix the broken scroll links. First I hard-coded some new links with HTML and that didn't work. Then I replaced the menu links to the Front Page sections with custom links and that didn't work either.
Then I went to the ‘instruction manual' to find the real fix, i.e. Google and finally, StudioPress.
Turned out that an update to Google Chrome affected those links and the javascript code (jquery.localScroll and jquery.scrollTo) in the theme needed to be replaced with the latest version.
The files that needed to be replaced can be found at jQuery.localScroll and jQuery.ScrollTo.
I uploaded the files to the /js/ folder in theme and the fix still didn't work!
So, I just replaced / updated the theme altogether and that did work.
So, if you're looking for the quick fix, simply update your theme! 🙂
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