Anik Singal of Affiliate Classroom tagged 5 affiliate bloggers – Jeremy Palmer, Sam Harrelson, Shawn Collins, Heather Paulson and I – to blog about one thing that we learned at the last Affiliate Summit.
So here goes…
As often happens, my biggest takeaway from the Summit didn't come during a presentation but from talking about affiliate marketing with many different affiliates who were attending the conference.
Too, it wasn't a new lesson, but a lesson re-learned and further entrenched.
The lesson – in the form of a quote – “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.” – Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865)
The route affiliates take to become successful are as varied as the individuals themselves and doesn't really matter. Whether one chooses blog content publishing, becomes an affiliate arbitrager (delivering traffic directly to their merchants via PPC) or focuses primarily on social network marketing; success is always a result of intense desire, focus and perserverance.
Talk with any successful affiliate marketer (any successful entrepeneur for that matter) and you'll discover a person who loves doing what they do. They are passionate and their passion is infectious.
Speaking with them not only gives you ideas about things you can do to enhance your own business, but it stokes the internal fire into an inferno – which is what I love about attending industry conferences. Moreover, people who are passionate about their lives and what they do are just more fun to hang with. 🙂
So, as it goes with the meme game, I now tag the following nice folks:
- Brad Waller
- Joel Comm
- Evelyn Grazini
- Darren Rowse
- Sharon Scherer