After manually upgrading the NPT blog to WordPress 2.7, I was feeling pretty proud of myself… and relieved. Because the blog was installed manually, I do manual upgrades and hold my breath in suspense each and every time until the very end of the process when the software tells me that the upgrade was performed ‘successfully'.
Around the same time I sent out a newsletter alerting folks to the latest blog post about PPC (link below).
Strangely, the post received a pingback, but not one single, solitary comment in 24 hours. Very strange in fact, considering comments usually start coming in within minutes of posting.
I felt a little dejected and conjured up excuses like “everyone's too busy watching Anderson's interview with Barack to reply”. Weak, I know — especially considering I didn't put one and one together to think that the lack of commentary had anything to do with the upgrade.
Thankfully, Gill Clark sent a message through our Support Desk to let us know that there was a problem with the reCAPTCHA code and an error that read “This reCAPTCHA key isn't authorized for the given domain”.
Weird, considering I entered the exact same key that I'd used before when I re-activated the reCAPTCHA plugin after the upgrade.
Anyway, the reCAPTCHA has been temporarily removed. Now make my day — I'd love to hear your comments about the “Losing Money on Your PPC Campaigns?” article as well as any thoughts on the reCAPTCHA issue. 🙂