I got the phone call this morning that you DON'T ever want to get – “Hi, this is so-and-so from such-and-such hospital in Toronto and your mother fell down the steps this morning and broke her hip. She is here awaiting surgery.”
My mom is 95 and lives on her own, so this is the call I've long feared.
I'm just ever SO grateful that she didn't have to wait too long for someone to come to her aid. Fortunately, she fell close enough to the door to be able to bellow at passersby in the morning and a neighbour heard her. I'm also grateful that now she sees the validity of wearing one of those Lifeline Medical Alarm necklaces that lets you summon help any time of the day or night – even if you can't speak.
Anyway, suffice to say that I won't be heading to Denver tomorrow morning to speak at the Affiliate Convention.
My apologies to the many of you with whom I planned to meet. We'll make it another time… Affiliate Summit in January, perhaps?
In the meantime, enjoy your experience at the Convention and learn LOTS – I'll miss you!