I was plugging away today at building content for my new membership site (the mulitmedia version of the Super Affiliate Handbook) when I stopped long enough to read an email from Stu McLaren.
The email pointed me to a video about the top 10 membership models created using Wishlist Member — software that you can use on a WordPress blog to turn it into a membership site.
One of the membership models that Stu mentions in the video was one I hadn't thought of before – but it's brilliant – and now that's what I want to do with the site.
Too, some of the models that he talks about in the video you wouldn't normally consider a “membership site”. However, once you hear how they are setup, you're going to get a lot of ideas for how you can use it in your business.
Each of the models discussed in the video also includes a real-world
example of a web site using these models — along with the URL, so you can check them out first-hand.
Watch the membership model video and check out these sites. Stu also gives you a link to see some how-to videos. If you decide to optin, you'll also see comments from other people who've created similar sites. They've even added their own “twist” to the “Top 10”.
Check out the videos for really great blogging / membership site ideas.
Too, the first 5 readers to leave a comment correctly naming the model I've chosen, will win a free membership to the new site. (I anticipate it will launch in January).
Comments are now closed and the winners have been announced here.