I often hear Internet marketers who are not making money online use the term ‘spinning my wheels‘ to describe how frustrated they are with what they're doing… or NOT doing.
They report working on sites for 40 hours per week for over a year; or that they've started 5, 10 and sometimes 20 different sites – and still haven't earned a pittance.
The term ‘spinning my wheels‘ is a very telling metaphor. Being from Canada, when I see someone really spinning their wheels, it tells me that the person doesn't know how to drive for conditions… and I've seen it a thousand times.
The guy who guns the gas at the intersection and ends up standing still. Someone who takes a corner too fast and ends up wrecked in the ditch. The ill-informed who use ‘all-season' radials (believing that they're an acceptable substitute for winter tires) and wonder why they have no traction or control. Of course, there are the grannies who top out at 5k an hour… and blessed are they that stay home.
Sure… we all have to learn, but the uneducated get themselves needlessly into situations that risk their lives and the lives of others.
Granted, starting an online business without a proper education might not mean risking life and limb — but doing so could risk your life savings or ruin your marriage – and I do know a few to whom that has happened.
Here's a clue to the trap that they fall into…
Many of those ‘wheel spinning' newbie entrepeneurs buy every $999 or $1999 course that promises to reveal the latest ‘tricks of the trade', but have never invested in a basic business course at a fraction of the cost.
Because they can ‘learn all the basics in the forums'.
Uh… huh. Sure they can. NOT.
When I need to know something (about anything), I ask a professional – and where's the guarantee that the person giving the advice on one or another forum is a professional? From what I've seen, really bad advice gets shared on forums, as well as the good — but when you're just starting out… how do you tell the difference?
Furthermore, you can spend an awful lot of time searching for advice online and either come up with nothing at all, too many different opinions or a really good answer that is so far above your head that you'd have no idea how to make it work.
That's why successful business people all have their own libraries of reference materials related to sales, marketing, customer service, etc., etc.
My office library, shown here in the photograph to the right, didn't have a single business book on the shelf when I started my Internet business in 1998 — but today it is chock a block FULL of business manuals.
There are books and courses about sales, marketing, affiliate marketing, traffic generation, and copywriting. I have a section just for inspiration and motivation that includes the stories of successful business people. Of course, there are a bunch of Revenue magazines (I keep every issue) and if you peer really close at the top shelf, second door from the left, you'll see a copy of the course that I think is ESSENTIAL READING for EVERYONE who wants to start an Internet business…
… the Internet Marketing Center's Insider's Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet.
If you've been following my work for any length of time, you might know that “Insiders Secrets” was the first course that I purchased and that I've picked up every edition as they've been revised over the years.
You can read more about the l latest version of Insider's Secrets here
E-commerce is not rocket science and there is no reason you should be spending any time spinning your wheels as you try to get your business off the ground.
It is about doing it right – right from the start. And this course will help you get that “right start” for a very modest investment.
HOT OFF THE PRESS: If you want to…
… You NEED to get your hands on these 800+ pages of step-by-step Internet marketing strategies and website case studies… tested and proven in over 1,000 online businesses! To learn how you can test drive this powerful step-by-step system RISK FREE, click here… |