July is the month for national day celebrations in Canada and the U.S., i.e. Canada Day on July 1st and Independence Day in the U.S. on July 4th.
Happy Canada Day!
Happy Independence Day!
Here is a list of all holidays and observances that present affiliate marketing opportunities for July 2016:
- 1 Canada Day / Dominion Day
- 1 Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day
- 1 International Joke Day
- 2 I Forgot Day
- 2 World UFO Day
- 3 Build A Scarecrow Day – first Sunday in month
- 3 Compliment Your Mirror Day
- 3 Disobedience Day
- 3 Stay out of the Sun Day
- 4 Independence Day (U.S.)
- 4 National Country Music Day
- 4 Sidewalk Egg Frying Day- Hmmmm, I wonder why!?!
- 5 Work-a-holics Day – even though everyone is on holiday
- 6 International Kissing Day
- 6 National Fried Chicken Day
- 7 Chocolate Day
- 7 National Strawberry Sundae Day
- 8 Video Games Day
- 9 National Sugar Cookie Day
- 10 Teddy Bear Picnic Day
- 11 Cheer up the Lonely Day
- 11 World Population Day
- 12 Different Colored Eyes Day
- 12 Pecan Pie Day
- 13 Barbershop Music Appreciation Day
- 13 Embrace Your Geekness Day
- 13 Fool's Paradise Day
- 14 Bastille Day
- 14 Pandemonium Day
- 14 National Nude Day
- 15 Tapioca Pudding Day
- 15 Cow Appreciation Day- Go out and give a cow a hug
- 16 Fresh Spinach Day
- 17 National Ice Cream Day (third Sunday of the month)
- 17 Peach Ice Cream Day
- 17 Yellow Pig Day
- 18 National Caviar Day- something's fishy here
- 19 National Raspberry Cake Day
- 20 National Lollipop Day
- 20 Moon Day
- 20 Ugly Truck Day- it's a “guy” thing
- 21 National Junk Food Day
- 22 Hammock Day
- 22 Ratcatcher's Day
- 23 National Hot Dog Day
- 23 Vanilla Ice Cream Day
- 24 Amelia Earhart Day
- 24 Cousins Day
- 24 Parent's Day – fourth Sunday in July
- 25 Culinarians Day
- 25 Threading the Needle Day
- 26 All or Nothing Day
- 26 Aunt and Uncle Day
- 27 Take Your Pants for a Walk Day
- 28 National Milk Chocolate Day
- 29 National Lasagna Day
- 30 National Cheesecake Day
- 30 Father-in-Law Day
- 30 International Day of Friendship
- 31 Mutt's Day
- 31 System Administrator Appreciation Day
Let the parties begin!
Any affiliate in almost any niche can help their readers celebrate by sharing ideas for:
- Party invitations
- Party decorations (think flags)
- Barbeque recipes
- Drink recipes and ideas – my favorites, beer in a Canadian flag wetsuit (see pic below) or a Caesar in a glass with a Canadian flag drink umbrella 🙂
- Themed dessert recipes
- Party Games
Having hosted more than a few Canada Day block parties, I think of all those things that you need to support a crowd:
- BIG fancy ice buckets to hold beer and other drinks on the patio
- Shade umbrellas
- Flags (LOTS and lots of flags)
- Balloons
- Holiday Tableware (suggest plastic items for pool parties)
- Themed yard ornaments and pool toys
- Canvas chairs with Canadian flags (or hockey team logos)
- Beach towels with flags (no need for a pool, a sprinkler for the kids will do)

BTW, if you do a Google search for “Canada Day Party” with or without quotes, you should see 2 listings with some of my Canada Day party pictures come up from years past. 🙂
Good SEO, eh?
Check out how I Got a First Page Google Listing in Only 9 Seconds.
Because it was a Canada Day, part of our requirement to attend the party was to wear something red and white… so patriotic clothing is another suggestion you can share with your visitors.
And after you've finished getting your site together to help your visitors celebrate the holidays, take time to read these 2 motivational articles about gaining independence through having your own business:
Did you find this post informative and useful? If so, please share it with others! If you have a comment, question or suggestion, please leave a comment below!
P.S. Independence and national holiday celebrations occur throughout the year in other countries. For an extensive list of national days around the globe, please visit Wikipedia – National Days.