I'm sometimes pretty slack about reading emails that come in from my merchant partners. “Not another new product notice… aargh“, is what I typically think when I see them in the Inbox.
But those emails aren't always product promotions. Sometimes they look like this:
“Unfortunately, we have run out of budget for ______ this quarter and will need to pause all promotions by the end of the day. Please have your links down by midnight tonight. This will not be a permanent stop; however, we don’t anticipate receiving more budget until next quarter in October. I will let you know if there are any changes to this campaign and if we may begin promoting sooner. I apologize for the short notice and feel free to contact me with any questions.
Well, at least I got the “aargh” part of the equation right. 🙂
Do, therefore, make it a point to actually read those affiliate program notices on a regular basis! Not doing so may affect your bottom line, and not in a beneficial way.
[tags]affiliate program, affiliate, affiliate marketing, email[/tags]