In the Forum, shalisha42 noted:
Hi everyone. I've been following SAH and I put up my first real blog!!! I'm so psyched. I have one problem though… when I put my links in, they are grey instead of blue, so you really can't tell that they are links. I use wordpress 2.7. Ros, you were right, it is much easier to build an affiliate site than to build a website. I am so proud of myself.
I am a natural writer so I get to write my own content.
Salisha – you SHOULD be proud of yourself! Congratulations!
Here's the answer to your question about link colors.
In your WordPress theme files (i.e. Default, Lifestyle or whatever theme you are using under Appearance > Themes) you'll find a cascading stylesheet called either style.css or styles.css.
Look for the code in the file that looks something like this:
a {
color: #275D89;
text-decoration: none;
}a:visited {
color: #3774A7;
text-decoration: none;
}a:hover {
color: #ff0000;
text-decoration: underline;
This example comes from the StudioPress Lifestyle Theme used on
‘a' is the stylesheet code for a link and to make the regular link the standard bright blue you would want to code that
a {
color: #0000ff;
If you are interested in getting the ‘hex codes' for other colors besides that standard blue, you can find a really nice color chart here.