Much to my dismay, I've been unable to attend the last couple of Affiliate Summit West conferences in Las Vegas. Big bummer! Fortunately however, Shawn Collins and Missy Ward (the conference co-founders) have made it possible for everyone to … [Continue reading]
Mobile or PC? What is the Most Secure Connection?
Remember ages ago (or what seemed like ages ago) when people fretted over the safety of buying items online? What about the security risk? Well, times have changed significantly in a short amount of time. Nowadays, it’s not merely that people … [Continue reading]
Spring Cleaning for Your Email List
Half my DNA is Dutch, but when it comes to keeping things clean and organized, I am almost 100% Dutch. "Dutch-clean" is a saying for good reason and growing up in the culture, I embraced the fanaticism wholeheartedly. It's a time-wasting curse … [Continue reading]
Step it Up: Sell Real Products on Amazon
It has always been my hope that my affiliate marketing students will take what they learn from me and eventually grow their online businesses to include selling their own products. First, you learn to sell other peoples' products, then you … [Continue reading]
Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt
The number of people who approach me with comments such as "I'm scared to even try" to build an Internet or affiliate marketing business is astounding and breaks my heart. And then there are those who assume that I was born to be successful, … [Continue reading]
Internet and Affiliate Marketing Conferences 2013
Want to speed up your studies about online marketing? How about build your network in the online space? Well, there is no better place to do either or both than at an industry conference. Listed below are a few of those that I can heartily … [Continue reading]
Content Marketing Advice for Local Businesses
If you run a local business, there's no avoiding the fact that content marketing should be the central focus of your overall marketing plan. One statistic that's bandied around claims that 19% of internet users get their news about what's … [Continue reading]