Who knew that WordPress 2.9 was going to be such a bear?
Gee, wasn't it nice to find posts that you'd queued up for delivery with little “Missed Schedule” notations where their publication dates should have been (see screenshot below).
So much for depending on those queued up posts to let you take a ‘make money while you sleep' (and party) break over Christmas. 🙂
Pingbacks too apparently weren't being processed correctly — and both problems were due to incompatibilities with ‘some hosts', according to WordPress.
Hmmm… I discovered the problem on blogs hosted both on my dedicated servers and at Bluehost.
Anyway, WordPress 2.9.1 was released on January 4th, and I just upgraded all my blogs today. Let's hope the issues are truly resolved — I hate doing the manual installs on this blog. WordPress is a big program and it takes awhile to delete and upload all those files via FTP.
Although, I must say that I've done enough manual upgrades now that I don't have to refer to the Upgrading WordPress Extended instructions anymore to know that I shouldn't delete or overwrite my config.php, .htaccess and other important files during the upgrade process… which, thankfully I've never done because I kept refering to those instructions. 🙂