You've just spent all day writing your best blog post ever and are just itching to click that 'Publish' button so you can get to cracking a bubbly pop in celebration. Before you make your post public however, here is a list of 12 things you can … [Continue reading]
10 Good Reasons to Cloak Affiliate Links
Yes, you should cloak your affiliate links! Affiliate links are completely obvious. For example, here is my affiliate link for StudioPress: When I cloak that link on … [Continue reading]
Affiliate Link Cloaking Tools and Services
There are a number of different affiliate link cloaking options available; including self-hosted scripts and plugins for Wordpress. Read this article for a list of 10 reasons to cloak your affiliate links. I use a php redirection script to cloak … [Continue reading]
Get Crafty: Affiliate Marketing in the Hobby Niche
Did you know that the craft and hobby niche generates nearly $50 billion annually in the U.S. alone? Or, that 55.8% of U.S. households are actively involved in crafting? Moreover, 11% of hobbyists and crafters purchase their supplies online and that … [Continue reading]
Writer Help Wanted Review: How to Make Money Writing
Do you want to make money from your writing? Did you know that writers are making tens of thousands of dollars using their writing skills online... and those figures are verifiable on certain sites? Hmmm... THAT got your interest, didn't it? Every … [Continue reading]
Blogging Partners: Two Heads Can be Better than One
What I wouldn't have given to have a blogging partner (or two) of late. I just moved out of a house that I've lived in for 11 years. The 6 weeks preceding the move consumed more mental and physical energy than to which I'm accustomed... much … [Continue reading]
How to Kill an Affiliate Partnership with Just One Facebook Link
So, I was booking a trip to my hometown of Toronto to surprise my 100-year-old mother with a visit on Mother's Day. (If you've followed me on Facebook for any amount of time, you'll know that this effort goes beyond the beyond.) I'd chosen a hotel … [Continue reading]