A few months ago, I helped a friend set up his first blog - sending him to Bluehost to arrange for his domain name (for free) and hosting - after which I did the installation with very basic plugins and told him to start writing, which is what he … [Continue reading]
Anti-Spam Legislation for those with Clients in Canada
You don't have to be IN Canada to be subject to Canada's new anti-spam legislation (Bill C28), which is going into effect one month from now, on July 1, 2014. The bill includes a "private right of action that will allow Canadian consumers and … [Continue reading]
5 Easy Steps To Increase Your Affiliate Marketing Sales
To be a really successful affiliate marketer, you have to have excellent networking and marketing skills. These skills will propel you to the top of a highly competitive and evolving industry. Knowing how to drive traffic by utilizing web … [Continue reading]
7 Ways to Speed Up Your Blog
Do you want to speed up your blog? Read this post for 7 easy ways to do just that! This morning I visited, or rather, tried to visit a blog that loaded so slowly, I was transported back to 1996, when we used 28.8K dial-up modems and almost every … [Continue reading]
Your Affiliate Program is WAY too Much Work
So, I get an invitation to join an affiliate program related to my dating site at https://101date.com I look at the site and it does indeed satisfy the interests of my audience. Not only that, but it should be a significant contribution to that … [Continue reading]
BIG Favor to Ask of Super Affiliate Handbook Readers
The Super Affiliate Handbook was published almost 11 years ago, in June 2003. Since then, tens of thousands of folks have read it and either become a Super Affiliate or started an online business of their own WITH an affiliate program. I have … [Continue reading]
How to Sell Your Goods Online: Easy, Tough, What?
Business is easy to think about but hard to run. It’s like a marathon and it’ll take a lot more from you than just the intention, the thought, and the execution. If you are planning to sell your goods online, there’s a lot more to it than just … [Continue reading]